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By Greg Harrelson

Greg Harrelson is the founder and leader of the largest Century 21 offices on the East Coast. With offices located throughout South and North Carolina, Greg coaches the top real estate talent in the Carolinas and also founded Real Estate Sales Solutions which has coaching programs like the Agent Success Academy.

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It’s time to focus on ending 2020 on a strong note.

Now that we’re into the home stretch of 2020, it’s time to work toward ending the year on a strong note and generating momentum for a better 2021. To do this, there are three key steps to remember.

First, focus on what’s working in your business now and do more of it. Also, do less of what’s not working (or stop doing those things at all). You know which activities build your business—you’ve done this before. All you need to do is get out of whatever funk you may be in and take a step forward.

Second, designate a clear new target. You may have to hit the reset button on your goals because they might’ve been derailed by everything that’s happened in 2020. Before you get back on track, you need to know where you’re heading. Think about what you want to achieve in the next few months and 2021. If you do your job right and go on the offensive now, you’ll create the momentum you need to ensure you break through in 2021. It’s a new world out there, so have the clarity you need to go after the right target.

Lastly, get pumped up! It’s time to generate some energy. There are so many things coming at us right now, and over time that can make a person feel exhausted and want to give up. Instead of giving up, get pumped up. You’ll start to feel like a victor instead of a victim of the circumstances surrounding us. Take charge, create positive energy, and have some fun while you go on the offensive.

My advice is to start creating this energy first thing in the morning. For example, I belong to a walking group and cover 10,000 steps each day. That definitely creates energy. You could also try listening to Tony Robbins’ podcasts in between showings and listing appointments. He’ll get you pumped up and in the right state of mind. If you have the right state of mind before your next appointment, the outcome will be much greater.

“Instead of giving up, get pumped up.”

Also, get out of isolation. Stop hiding behind the excuses of not being able to engage with positive people in your environment. Make it your mission to communicate with people who are like-minded and want to create positive things for themselves. Being in communication is important because it means collaborating with others—masterminds, role-playing, accountability calls, etc. Get with your coach and evaluate what you’re doing in your business so you can move forward faster.

If you don’t have a coach, I’d be happy to do the job. If you’re not feeling alive, excited, and full of energy, give me a call and I’d be glad to help you get going. Plug in and commit to engaging in your environment.

If you’d like to talk more about how you can finish 2020 on a strong note or have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to speak with you.